Three Vagus Nerve Reset Exercises — Beautiful Voyager

In my latest Substack post I mention three polyvagal exercises I’ve been doing regularly to reset my nervous system. I wanted to share the details of those exercises here in case they help you, too.

The Basics Exercise

  • Sit tall in a chair (or toilet! That can be a good way to remember to do it!)

  • Interlace your hands behind your head. Sit tall.

  • With your EYES ONLY, look to the right and hold.

  • Breathe, relax, and allow your body to soften.

  • Hold 30-60 seconds or until you feel a deep relaxation.

  • Repeat on the left side.

Seated Salamander Exercise

  • Sit tall in a chair (or toilet! That can be a good way to remember to do it!)

  • With your EYES ONLY, look to the right and hold.

  • Allow your right ear to melt towards the right shoulder (not turning your head).

  • Breathe, relax, allow your head to be heavy and you body to soften.

  • Hold 30-60 seconds or until you feel a deep relaxation.

  • Repeat on the left side.

Sphinx with Head Turn

  • Lay on your belly and prop yourself up on your elbows.

  • Anchor your pelvis by pressing down through the pubic bone.

  • Draw shoulders down out of your ears and extend your neck naturally (don’t look up too high).

  • Turn your head to look over your right shoulder and hold for 1 minute, switch.

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