Tapping to calm anxiety when you feel triggered — Anxiety Slayer™

Points discussed in this episode:

Sometimes, we’re aware that we feel triggered by something and anxiety starts building, and we feel swept away by it. This is where Tapping can help us stop the anxiety building and settle into a calmer state where we can review what happened and see what we need to do next to take good care of ourselves.

You can find out more about Tapping here along with a diagram of the Tapping points

Tapping, also known as psychological acupressure, is a mental health therapy that involves tapping specific meridian points on the body with your fingertips. The points are similar to those used in acupressure and are located on the hands, wrists, head, and body.

We’re going to give you a sequence to follow along with to give you an idea of how to use tapping for Triggers, but your own words are always the most supportive, so once you get used to Tapping please experiment and change the words to suit your voice.

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