Public Speaking Anxiety | How to overcome it

Giving a speech  or presenting before a group, whether the group is a thousand or just ten, qualifies as one of most people’s biggest fears. It is not uncommon to find a person who is terrified at the prospect of having to speak to a roomful of people. But why do we fear speaking in front of others so very much? Psychologists believe that it is not really public speaking that make people experience so much STRESS but the fear of making a mistake in front of others. Public speaking anxiety can however be conquered…

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Performance Anxiety – Treatment and Tips

Performance Anxiety can be experienced before you go on stage, give a talk, take part in sports, have to speak in public, attend for an interview or teach.  It can also include sexual performance anxiety, although I am going to dedicate a separate post to this.  Basically it is the stress you experience before you No related posts.

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