How antidepressants work. PART 2

Here goes the second part of the material. This one is about neurotransmitters’s and receptors’ work.”3. What happens when a message is passed from one cell to another.1. A brain cell decides to send a message to another cell in order to make something happen e.g. tighten a muscle, release a hormone, think about something, pass on a message etc.2. An electrical impulse is sent from the brain cell down one of the nerve fibres/…

1 min read

How antidepressants work. PART 1

Today I searched for some clear explanation on how SSRI antidepressants work, that will not resemble an encyclopedic article with dozens of medical terms on top of each other.And I’ve found it. Call it love from the first sight if you wish but the article I am quoting below is amazingly clear and simple for understanding. I am dividing it into 3 parts + several separate posts about each type of antidepressants. First part explains how our brain works. Second part gives a …

1 min read

How antidepressants work. PART 3

Here is the last part of the material about Antidepressants and it is actually about them. After 2 long and sweet parts of a preface here is the last one which describes depression build-up process.”5. DepressionPeople with depression usually have problems with poor sleep, low mood and appetite, loss of energy and interest or pleasure etc. It is a …

1 min read