Overcoming panic attacks

Moving on after panic | living a normal life

I really cant say that I am cured from, and that I have succeeded in overcoming panic attacks. If I let my anxiety levels rise then it is a possibility that I may have another panic attack. The difference is now that I don’t fear it. I know how to work through it.

dont panic

Overcoming panic attacks hasnt been a quick fix for me and I dont think too many people can say that it has been for them either. I worked on it, and as I have said in previous posts, I took one step at a time and now I feel I have succeeded.

Looking at life through positive eyes has been something that I have to work at but I am much better at it now than I was in the beginning. It’s like anything that has been a habit, it takes time to change. Life has opened up to me again and I am happy, which is probably a result of that positive outlook.

The hardest thing for me, still, is to not avoid certain places where I used to feel stressed, and I practice that and am doing ok. By exposing myself to the stressors I have, over time, been desensitized to them so I keep that up as I dont want to regress without realizing.

I have come a long way since my first panic attack so many years ago and I am grateful that I have overcome my fears to move forward and live a life that is full and without barriers.

Overcoming panic attacks will be different for each person and I realize that. I hope my story gives other fellow sufferers some hope that life can change for the better with proper treatment and a willingness to get better.

Anxiety doesnt rule my life anymore. I am now in control. Life is good.

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