Confronting anxiety today for a better tomorrow — Anxiety Slayer™

Points covered in this episode:

Struggling with anxiety is more painful than working with it. 

  • seeking help for accountability and support moving forward

  • getting informed – find out what others do that’s helped them

  • being mindful of who you share your time and energy with

  • commit to daily calming practices

  • use affirmations and/or Tapping to support a positive mindset

Resistance is Futile

Resisting takes energy: frustration and objection are understandable, but in reality they make everything worse.

Why? Because what we feed on, feeds on us. You can choose between taking good care of yourself and nourishing your mind with sweet thoughts and reflections or being frustrated and causing more pain.

Negative Thoughts

Whatever you call up or put in your mind, you will have to digest and live with.

When we have negative thoughts running in our mind they color our perception of everything and can pull us into an ever growing downward spiral.

Overcoming anxiety, adversity, and emotional pain starts with nourishment for your mind, body and soul. Good company, uplifting music, inspiring reading, (if reading feels like too much, then listen to audiobooks or podcasts).

Challenging Negative Mind Loops

Question the validity of these thoughts and work on developing a more balanced and realistic perspective. Awareness of our negative thoughts can be a powerful tool in changing the way you perceive and respond to anxiety. Ask, How is this helpful?

Build a Support System

Cultivate strong connections with close friends, family, or support groups. Sharing your feelings and experiences with others can provide emotional support and different perspectives can alleviate the weight of anxiety. You may want to consider partnering with a therapist who can share tailored strategies and coping mechanisms to help you face anxiety head-on with accountability. 

Set Realistic Intentions

Setting realistic expectations for yourself can reduce the pressure and overwhelm that often contribute to anxiety. Celebrate small achievements along the way to boost your confidence.

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