Causes of Social Anxiety

When people have social anxiety disorder or social phobia everyday situations can become very overwhelming. These feelings can become intense and can vary from person to person. People can fear different types of situations that have anxiety disorders. People that have social anxiety disorders may have some of these symptoms while they are in certain social situations. They fear that they will make mistakes that everyone will notice, they fear that they are always going to be judged by others, they have the fear of being embarrassed or humiliated by themselves in front of others, they think that everyone’s attention is on them, and they think that other people are more capable of doing something in the same situation.

In situations that are feared, people that have social anxiety disorder will feel intense anxiety. The anxiety they feel may lead to trembling, pounding heart, blushing, nausea, and sweating. For many having this anxiety will turn into a panic attack. These symptoms of anxiety can often lead to embarrassment for the person that has social anxiety. Some people that have social anxiety disorder are comfortable being only with close family and friends. Others people with social anxiety only fear certain social situations. Some people become anxious when they are dealing with people in higher positions such as their boss.

Speaking in public is a common fear of people with social anxiety disorder. Other fears can be eating in restaurants, using public restrooms, and using telephones. People that have social anxiety disorder worry for days and sometimes weeks before going to a social situation that they are fearing. The disorder may become severe and can interfere with work or other events that you may have in your life. There are many people that have social anxiety disorder. Women can be more likely then men to have social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety disorder usually will start at a early age. You can be shy and still not experience the same intense anxiety that people do with social anxiety disorder. Shy people usually do not avoid certain social situations like people that have social anxiety disorders. Social anxiety disorder can overtake someone’s life if they allow it to.