Asking Your Doctor for Treatment

Do you have anxiety? If you do, you’ve probably been trying to find different anxiety cures and trying them out to see which one works. You’re not alone; others with anxiety tend to try everything they could find or think of, and they usually do this before going to a professional for help with their anxiety problem.

A lot of people shun getting help from a doctor for their anxiety problem because of the mistaken belief that if they tell their doctor about their anxiety problem, the doctor will force them to take medication. This is not at all true. Anxiety cures — whether they’re drug-based or not — have one focus: help people cure their anxiety problem.

If, when you talk to your doctor, all you tell him is that you have an anxiety problem, not offering your opinion on treatments then your doctor is likely to offer you two solutions: medication and therapy. If you don’t tell him what you think about his proposed solutions, your doctor is simply going to go ahead and write that prescription or therapy referral. A lot of people feel that they’ve been backed into a corner and have to take anti-anxiety medication or go to therapy; the truth is they had a choice. You have a choice of anxiety cures too.

When you talk to your doctor about possible anxiety cures or treatment, be upfront with him and tell him that you want to check into the medication he wants to prescribe to you or therapist he is referring you to. It’s also a good idea to let him know what treatment types you are comfortable with and which ones you aren’t. If you’re uncomfortable with medications, tell your doctor. Let him know that you want to look into non-medication or even non-therapy anxiety treatments or cures. Your doctor may look a little deeper into your anxiety problem. For instance, your anxiety may actually be caused or increased by some medications you are taking or even your lifestyle choices.

Don’t be embarrassed or shy to tell your doctor that you have been looking into and are interested in alternative anxiety cures such as making some dietary changes or taking yoga classes. Inform your doctor about this and let him know that you’d like to try an alternative anxiety cure first before you try taking medications or therapy.

For instance, you can tell your doctor, “I have an anxiety problem, but I don’t feel comfortable taking prescription medication or going to therapy. I’d like to try yoga first and maybe stop taking caffeine and see if that helps me. Maybe you have some suggestions for me that do not involve therapy or medications?” You’ll be surprised to know your doctor does know of non-medication and non-therapy anxiety cures. Some of these options include simple breathing and relaxation techniques.