AI for Mental Health — Beautiful Voyager

Here’s a link to the account in case you want to explore it yourself.

It reminded me of a kind of perfectly coiffed Peewee’s Playhouse.5 I started to imagine myself walking up the stairs, looking at the orange bushes and pink trees. I concocted a doorbell sound in my ear, and before the front door could open…I was asleep. There was something about the detail in the original image that spurred my creativity — but in a soothing and relaxing way. This is exactly what visualizations are supposed to do.

Step-by-step guide to AI visualization

  1. Start by tuning into how you feel when you see new AI imagery on Instagram or elsewhere. What do you like? How does it feel? What song might go with the place?

  2. Save images that make you feel something — inspired, relaxed, transported. This may not seem like it, but it is an important step. By intentionally saving those feelings that the images are evoking in you, you are building pathways to the feelings for the future.

  3. Choose one of the images you’ve saved, and explore it more in your mind. This could be as simple as imagining what is behind a closed door, or what the cover if a book on a shelf may look like.

  4. When you are next trying to fall asleep, try revisiting that space. You are following a feeling here, folks. It is not easy to do, but as you remember the image that inspired you, try specifically to follow the parts that feel good and let the rest drop away. This can take some practice, but over time, it does work.

  5. Create a greatest hits of your favorite visualizations. These are the ones that you know work. In a way, this is just an updated, more detailed version of counting sheep. The difference is that you are kick-starting the visualization with the creativity of AI.

Getting into a “feeling” state instead of a “thinking” state can be very hard. It took me decades to learn how to shut off my head, and even now, it’s still spotty work. I will use every tool at my disposal to calm my nervous system and mind so that I can be more present for my husband, daughter, friends, and colleagues. This one is working for me—maybe it will for you, too, fellow voyager? Best of all, it is totally free.

Next up in this series: How an AI-drafted writing practice can kickstart your self-discovery. Until then, keep voyaging.

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