Empower Your Way to Anxiety Freedom Through Your Words

Imagine using certain words to empower your anxiety recovery rather than keep you in a state of frantic anxiousness. In this powerful episode of the anxiety guy podcast I will reveal the exact words that keep you connected to an addiction to suffering, and the words that will lead you towards inner peace. Let’s go!

Welcome to another episode of the Anxiety Guide podcast. I’m Dennis Simsek, the founder of theanxietyguide.com, and today I want to talk to you about something really important: the words we use and how they can affect our anxiety.

You see, certain words in our vocabulary can actually contribute to our anxiety identity. But don’t worry, I’m here to help you change that. By swapping out these disempowering words with more empowering ones, we can give our anxiety healing a supercharge! So let’s dive in and explore three keywords that we need to eliminate from our daily conversations: “try,” “but,” and “hope.”

First up, let’s tackle the word “try.” When we say “I’ll try to do it,” we’re kind of leaving the door open for failure which effects our anxiety healing journey in a negative way.

It’s like we’re not fully committed to the task at hand. Instead, let’s use the word “commit.” When we commit to something, we’re showing determination and a strong desire to succeed. Just by making this simple switch, we can make a big difference in our anxiety healing journey.

Next on our list is the word “but.” This little word might seem harmless, but it can actually sabotage our progress. When we say “I want to do this, but…” we’re creating a roadblock in our minds. So, let’s replace “but” with “and.” By using “and,” we acknowledge that multiple things can coexist, and it opens up possibilities instead of shutting them down. It’s a small change that can make a big impact on our personal growth and anxiety healing.

Lastly, we have the word “hope.” Now, hope can be a positive thing, but sometimes it keeps us in a passive state of waiting for something to happen. Instead, let’s embrace the word “believe” during our anxiety healing journey. When we believe in ourselves and our ability to overcome challenges, we take control of our anxiety healing process.

Belief gives us the confidence and determination we need to navigate through life’s uncertainties.

Remember, the words we use have a powerful influence on our thoughts and reality.

By eliminating disempowering words and replacing them with empowering ones, we’re practicing self-care and self-love. It’s all about setting ourselves up for success and growth in our anxiety healing journey.

Now, I want to remind you about the amazing resources available on theanxietyguide.com. We have programs specifically designed to support you on your anxiety healing journey. These programs provide tools and strategies to help you reclaim your life from anxiety’s grip. So, don’t hesitate to check them out and take that important first step towards your well-being.

To wrap it up, let’s remember that our words matter within the goal of healing anxiety for good. 

By swapping out disempowering words like “try,” “but,” and “hope” with empowering alternatives like “commit,” “and,” and “believe,” we’re taking charge of our anxiety healing (Subscribe on YouTube today). So, let’s embrace this positive shift in language and embark on a path towards a life free from anxiety. You’ve got this!

Episode Outline

  • [00:00] Episode intro 
  • [01:05] How words contribute to anxiety identity 
  • [01:54] Anxiety breeding complicated mind
  • [03:08] First Word to Eliminate for Anxiety Healing- Try
  • [05:45] Second Word to Eliminate for Anxiety Healing- But
  • [06:36] Third Word to Eliminate for Anxiety Healing- Hope 
  • [08:56] Understanding Symptoms as a Sign of Progress 
  • [10:13] Episode wrap up
  • [10:46] The end 

Quotes From the Episode

  • “When I say anxiety identity, what I’m saying is associating yourself to being anxiety, not seeing anxiety as something that is a reflection of something you’re doing, but rather anxiety as something that you are.”
  • “Hope is a mental construct, just so you know, that aligns with today’s worldly beliefs. Beliefs that say we are incapable beings if we’ve never attempted something before. And so we’re going to move beyond this. We’re going to move beyond these words, and we’re going to start using words that complement the direction that we are headed.”
  • “No longer do we live our lives under the influence of anxiety, but we begin to live our lives under the influence of unconditional love”

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signs of anxiety healing

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