How to calm anxiety symptoms — Anxiety Slayer™

Notes from this week’s episode:

Anxiety often comes with physical symptoms which can then trigger concerns about our health. These are some of the symptoms we get asked about most along with some tips for feeling calm.

Common Anxiety Symptoms

Dry mouth

Heart palpitations

Stomach upset and nausea




Ayurveda: ON How symptoms show up based on our mind/body type (Doshas)

Pitta – Headache, indigestion, acidity

Vata – Stomach ache, bloating, constipation, feeling ungrounded, light-headed

Kapha – Fatigue and overwhelm, lethargic, loss of interest in activities

How Anxiety affects our response to symptoms

We may become fearful, or fixate on worst-case outcomes, or have a strong desire to numb or hide

These are all normal responses provoked by anxiety to its own symptoms.

To hear our suggestions for natural remedies for anxiety symptoms please listen in.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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