4 tips to reduce divorce stress

Getting a divorce is a very stressful time in a person’s life.  It is a bit like losing a person to death but still having them around, which can be in itself quite distressing, and of course there is the hurt and/or betrayal which one side feels.

When I went through this many years ago I must admit I didn’t do well.  I was very angry and this anger actually was not good for me or my family and I came to realize I was really only hurting myself by venting those feelings.   This stress and anger must have sent my anxiety levels through the roof.

Moving on while keeping sane and positive can be a challenge but I have  four tips that I found worked for me.  I’m sure I could also add a few more but these saw me through.  They are:

1.  Look after your health

Eat well, exercise when you can and get enough sleep.

2.  Pamper yourself even in small ways

Don’t be the last person you give to.

3.  Have a plan for tomorrow

Plan what your next 6 -12 months will bring and have strategies to deal with them.

4.  Be grateful for the good things in your life.

Appreciate what is right in your life now.  This will help balance out the negatives that are currently going on.

Making a break and moving forward is important.   Dont let stress and anger eat you up.   Focus on the new positives that now can come through in your life and push those negative thoughts and anxieties down and out.  I encourage comments on your own experiences so please feel free to do so.

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