What to Do to Stop An Anxiety Attack

Envision yourself in a social situation like going to see a movie that you are looking forward to, or even just going to buy something at the supermarket. Everything seems time until your anxiety attack sets is. You begin trembling or sweating, feel a shortness of breath, and even feel like you’re going crazy and losing control of yourself. If you frequently feel like this, then keep reading and learn how to cure anxiety attacks without medication.

Numerous medications exist to help, but these often have side effects and can be addictive. Some medications even exacerbate the condition over time. Instead you should take advantage of some critical but overlooked tips on how to cure anxiety attacks without relying on medication. Since these are reliable, yet safe alternatives.

The first technique is to adjust your breathing pattern to help you relax yourself when you are having an attack. This is called “4-7-8 breathing.” Start by breathing through your nose for four seconds. Make sure to breath in using your diaphragm and your stomach area, and not your chest. This is a common mistake. Next hold your breath for about seven seconds. Finally exhale slowly for eight seconds. Take a moment to try this a few times right now, and you will already feel what an effect it can have on you. Practice this several times throughout the day, and soon it will become powerful yet natural to you.

Another great method is to visual the source of your anxiety, and instead imagine something else. When you focus hard enough on your image, your body will respond to it, and you will no longer sense that feeling of anxiety. When you use this with your breathing techniques, it is a great way to alleviate your anxiety attacks.

Thirdly, you should try and change your lifestyle to be healthier and more active. This might not really sound like it would make a difference. However studies have proven that eating small healthy meals at regular intervals is an important factor in keeping your blood sugar level constant. Exercising is a critical way to relieve stress, and thus decrease the likelihood of having anxiety attacks.

When you are having an anxiety attack, you may feel embarrassed or ashamed when others are around how. But during these times, the people around you are not aware that you are panicking and feeling anxious. You should use this to your advantage, and employ the techniques described here to relax yourself and regain control.