Not all Treatment plans will provide the right answers

Do you currently suffer from anxiety attacks? Do you have difficulty functioning on a daily basis because you fear the onset of yet another attack? In the late 1990’s, I was an individual who was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder by a medical professional. Believe me; I completely understand the mental and physical anguish that you are experiencing. I know that you are seeking a remedy, anything just to allow you to make it through each day. As far as finding the right anxiety cure for you however; not all treatment plans will improve your condition.

There are many options as far as remedies for these attacks. Some people who begin experiencing these anxiety attacks for the first time believe that prescription medication will solve their problems. If you think that is the case in your situation, my friend you are very wrong. Pills, (usually in the form of anti-anxiety medication) will only work, temporarily on the physical symptoms. The pill may slow down your heart-rate, or help ease the ache in your belly. However the medication will not address the issue directly: What is the main reason(s) as to why you are having these attacks?

Before you can start any kind of treatment plan, you have to figure out where your fears are coming from. For many people who suffer through these attacks, many of the triggers (or causes) is based on having a fear of something. Your fear could be something that is about to happen in your immediate future: You have to make a big speech at work, and you are quite uncomfortable speaking in front of a group of people.

You may have a fear of flying. You would not be alone. I have relatives who would rather get in a car and drive to their destination for 10-12 hours straight, as opposed to getting on a plane. You could also be the individual who is currently stressed out, and highly agitated; fearing that you are about to lose your job. You have a family which includes three kids that you have to feed, (and clothe), and a mortgage; plus your wife is currently expecting a fourth child. If you were to get that unfortunate pink slip from your boss, you ask yourself nervously just what would you do in this poor job market? Whatever the cause for your high level of stress and anxiety, the first step in this process would be in acknowledging exactly what this trigger is that has completely disrupted your life.

In addressing your condition, the best type of anxiety cure that will treat your condition will not come in a pill bottle. Nor, would it come with alcohol, caffeine, or smoking those cigarettes. I don’t think that I need to remind you of the dangers that cigarettes present to your body over the long haul. Alcohol is a poor coping mechanism to use if your anxiety or stress level is already through the roof. Caffeine is only a stimulant that will doing nothing but elevate your already agitated state of mind.

Together, you and your physician should come up with behavior-modification exercises as a cure. You need to, naturally, (without medical inducement) be able to control the thoughts that come from your mind, and take pressure off of your nervous system. Methods involving meditation, yoga, and slow-breathing exercises will lower the level of stress in your body. Counting slowly backwards from 20 to 1 is a well-known technique that has been proven to relax your mind. Listen to soothing, quiet Classical music; a relaxed, peaceful setting in your favorite chair or sofa will slowly remove the tension and stress in your body.

Finding the right anxiety cure involves your first being able to know what is causing the attacks to occur in the first place. Know that some treatment plans will not solve your problem in the long run. Any solution that involves prescription medication will only provide temporary relief. Instead, focus on your triggers and devise behavior-modification techniques that will allow you to eventually eliminate these anxiety attacks permanently.