Treatment Options

One of the most common anxieties in life is centered on social phobia. Social phobia is the very real fear of social situations. When a person feels anxiety related to social phobia, they may find themselves purposefully removing themselves from family events and outings. Social phobias can quickly move into full blown agoraphobia (fear of leaving the house) if they are left untreated.

Anxiety treatments for social phobia vary based on the intensity of the social fear. Many treatments will center on the psychological, while some patients may turn to prescription medications and hypnotherapy to treat the disorder. The anxiety treatment path chosen will be determined with an evaluation of the severity of the social phobia and the patient’s wishes for treatment.

Psychological anxiety treatments will often begin with a visit to a psychologist. During the first visit the psychologist will determine the severity of the condition and discuss a plan of action with the patient. Many social phobias are rooted in a past experience that caused a block, of sorts, to be placed in the mind. This block prevents the patient from being able to understand or even recognize the cause of the social phobia. Talking with a psychologist during multiple sessions will help the patient to better understand the disorder and the possible causes of the phobia. Once the cause is more understood, the psychologist will help the patient to attack the phobia head on and retrain their lives to live without the phobia.

Along the same lines, a hypnotherapist can provide anxiety treatment for a patient with a social phobia. Using hypnosis, the hypnotherapist will gently persuade the affected mind back in time. At some point during the hypnosis therapy, the hypnotherapist hopes to find that block we spoke of previously. Once the block is found, the hypnotherapist will guide the patient around the block within the subconscious and thus remove the need for social alienation.

In severe cases of social phobia, or in cases where hypnotherapy and psychology are not able to break down the mind block, medications may be prescribed as a form of anxiety treatment. These medications, also known as anti-anxiety medications, work on the central nervous system and the brain. The medications essentially calm the person into feeling less anxiety in social situations. These treatments are only effective as long as the patient maintains a strict medication schedule.

Combination anxiety treatment can be used in nearly every case of social phobia. Combination therapy is the use of two or more therapies to treat the social phobia. Many psychologists will prescribe medications to calm the patient while taking them through the possible causes for the phobia.

Social phobia is a very real, mental condition that can cause anxiety, stress and physical symptoms. No matter how the phobia began, the anxiety treatment needed to solve the problem are there and waiting for the patient to begin the healing process. Psychiatrists, psychologists, hypnotherapists and other doctors can help the patient with a social phobia to recover from this condition.